Admissions Process

The offer of a place for your child will be held for one week. If we haven’t received confirmation of your acceptance by this time, we will offer the place to the next child on our waiting list. This will result in your child returning to the bottom of our waiting list unless you inform us you no longer require a space. If we are full to the maximum capacity in every session and therefore unable to offer your child any sessions at all, your child will remain on the waiting list until such time where we are able to offer a session. Please note that you if you are offered a place, but for any reason you decline the offer, your child will be put back to the bottom of our waiting list or removed upon your request.
Confirmation of your acceptance can only be made in writing either by email or post. Details of our fees can be found on our sessions and fees page.
We hope our process is simple and straightforward to understand, but if you do have any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch.